Our unique luxury program, Distinctive Collection by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Metro
Brokers, represents the most distinctive homes in the country, and is supported by the most
exceptional real estate professionals in the business.
We understand the luxury lifestyle. We are committed to exceptional service. And we are here to
exceed your expectations.
If you are interested in buying a home, we find one perfectly suited to meet your wants and needs
in the ideal location. Plus, we have a concierge’s list to assist you with additional products
and services outside of real estate.
If you are looking to sell your home, we can expose it to the Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate
network, which has more than 8,000 associates and approximately 250 offices in the U.S. and Canada
as well as a rolodex of more than 100 million high-wealth consumers.
From our exclusive Distinctive Collection signage to our elegant marketing collateral, your home
receives the special attention it deserves.